When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Becoming Like Him - Day 1 Moving

For my 31 days of writing, I am linking up over at Heading Home and over at the Nester.  There are several of us that are taking the 31 day writing challenge.  Kate has suggested that we spend 31 days of Five minute writing, The Nester lets you write about anything you would like, you just need to write.  I like that idea, as I really have enjoyed Five Minute Fridays.  For my 31 days, I wanted to write about become more like Him.  I am planning on using the prompts everyday, but tailoring them to be along the lines of Becoming more like Jesus.  I want to keep my mind focused on those things that matter most.  Today the prompt is:



We all have to start somewhere.  Life happens.  It can be quite an adjustment at times.  It is easy to get lost in the shuffle if we just stand there.  We have to keep moving onward.  Moving forward.
Some mornings it is all I can do to put one foot in front of another.  I need to get out of bed.  Then, I need to start my day.  Lately, my day has not been going so well.  I think that moving for me needs to start by moving in the right direction toward Him.  I am going to start and end my days this month by reading the scriptures.  I am not going set an assigned amount of time, because I really want to study.  I want to feel the spirit surround my soul.  I want to feel the peace that happens when I am moving in the way I should go.  I think it is time to quit expecting Him to meet me, and to strive a little bit harder to move toward Him.
So, today, I am starting the process.  I heard once that life is like a down escalator that we are all trying to move up on.  If we stop trying, we will be carried downward.  If we walk, we will stay in the same place.  We have to put some real effort into moving forward and upward in our lives.  I think I need to put a little more effort into the moving part.
So my moving today is reading.  Reading His word.  Feeling His spirit, and partaking of His love.  Moving toward Him.


Now it is your turn.  Are you going to join us over at Kate's place and at The Nester's for your own 31 day journey?  I hope you do!


  1. I will enjoy reading your 31 days of writing with a prompt. This was a good one. I like that you are moving towards him. I am reading the scriptures daily but at a slow pace and I am learning a lot by not hurrying through the reading.
    Blessings for this one!

  2. This is an awesome plan, Patty! To start and end the day with real scripture STUDY and to really work on moving yourself towards God IS AWESOME! :D And I love the 5 min. writing to go with this. Great job moving forward, Patty! You rock! :D
